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  • Requirements Can Re-Energize Your Health

    You benefit from meeting your daily exercise requirements? Do you wake up in the morning, hit the snooze bar, and hope that you can just sleep a little longer because you don’t have the energy to get up? Or know that something really needs to get done, but that couch looks too good for a nap. Bestbitcoinmixer

    To get past those feeling is very simple, your body craves daily exercise requirements so you can re-energize to do more throughout the day. We as humans are moving from the beginning of life, it’s human nature need to move and be active members of society. Our muscles and joints need the movement to continue to function correctly.

    Routines like this can also help maintain all your chemicals in your body that your organs need to function and keep your system clean. Exercise really makes you feel better on the outside, while cleaning the inside to make sure all organs, joints and muscles have what they need to maintain a healthy life style. 80aacqnkbg0agklcls6f

    By moving your body, you will be able to sleep better and wake up not feeling groggy or sleepy. No more snooze button, because you have slept enough. You start day fresh. Plenty of rest means more energy to do more during your day. This is just one benefit of meeting your daily exercise requirements. Officekomfort

    While implementing your daily exercise requirements is time consuming, it is a much safer avenue than surgery and will make you feel better about yourself as you see the results. Instead of one big change it will be a slow gradual change. You are toning muscle, losing fat, and gaining confidence in your outer appearance, all while making you feel better emotionally through working out. A little bit of time goes a long way physically and emotionally. Jasablogroll

    Another benefit will be to maintain your daily fluids and calories intake for the day. While you still have to make sure you are drinking a lot of water and eating healthy, it will not be as constricting of a diet if you are maintaining a good balance of exercise routines at least three to five times a week.

  • Spirituality and Politics

    Spirituality is simply what comes from within. What feels right for us, and that comes primarily from understanding who we are. There are things that feel right for us, things that don’t, things we want and things don’t want. Living spiritually does not mean sitting on a mountain top meditating, or divorcing ourselves from the physical world. Powerinspiresprogress

    If we could come to know ourselves perfectly and follow that understanding we would be following a spiritual life even if to others it would appear to be a purely physical life. The difference would be that we do not have to look for gurus, leaders or masters in any form in the physical world. We have our master and guru within. Ohiofreepress

    Politics is a reality we have to live with. We have to live with the physical consequences of politics. If we ignore politics and end up in a world we do not like we cannot complain. Many things can be changed if we have the will, and even if we fail we have succeeded if we have fulfilled our spiritual being as best we can. Thecelebrack There is the illusion that in Australia we live in a democracy. We do not. Voting does not make a democracy unless politicians tell the truth. All that happens is that we vote for lies with no idea what the outcome will be. This is spirituality comes into politics. Aliens-sic In the physical world truth is a rare commodity. We have Politicians telling us their version of truth that is distorted to fit the outcomes they want, which may or may not be for the common good. Releasedmagazine

    In my book Alternative Genesis I raise the issue of a very common way politicians tell lies. This is accomplished by telling lies in a way that cannot be shown to be a lie so that people will accept the lie as truth in the absence of proof to the contrary. Mstene

     This was the basic format used by the Spanish Inquisition. As you read this try to find a way of proving you are not a Witch. You are probably not a Witch, or at least not the type that flies around on a broomstick. Baddiehub

    The basic format of the Spanish Inquisition was to start with a campaign of lies and misinformation, raises the level of lies and misinformation to fear and loathing, and then destroy. vip79

     The crucial element is that there must never be a means by which the lies and misinformation can be proved to be untrue and that the lies must be repeated over and over to normalize them. Celebjihad

  • The Bad Economy and “Rogue Contractors”

    With the economy in the dumper and new commercial construction virtually non-existent a good many subcontractors and construction laborers are likely to consider becoming residential renovation contractors. Thepreteristpost

     Historically a large percentage of residential renovation contractors are unqualified, inexperienced and underfunded even in a good market. Most subcontractors who have made their living in their niche of the construction industry are well qualified for their particular discipline but horribly unqualified to handle an entire project. Dothackportal

     Most are good at what they do but cannot deligate or handle other people effectively. Undoubtedly we will see roofers, plumbers, mechanical contractors, carpenters and even general laborers from the previously booming commercial and new residential construction market begin to tout themselves as general contractors. Medhealthinsight

     In the arena of new construction (especially commercial) many states now have fairly comprehensive testing required before someone can become a general contractor. In the residential renovation market this is often not the case. Fortuneviews  Instead, virtually anyone can go to the appropriate municipality’s licensing office, pay a small fee and become a contractor. Is it any wonder there are so many horror stories? Many of these “rogue contractors” have honest and good intentions. Rumor has it that there is a road somewhere paved with such things. Hrviews

     How do you, the innocent homeowner, know who is qualified and who is not? First of all, do not pursue any situation where you feel that you are being pressured into hiring someone. Remember that you are the buyer and they are the seller. Trzeciaswiezadomenapodszkolenie15stycznia In other terms, you are profit and they are overhead. Secondly, disregard all of the verbal pleasantries and polite sales pitches. Drugaswiezadomenapodszkolenie15stycznia Obviously it is important to be polite and professional but be stern in insisting on names, addresses and phone numbers of past clients or customers for whom this party has done similar work. At the same time realize that nobody will ever knowingly give you a referral which will be negative. If the referrals are general contractors (i.e., previous employers) and/or if the projects referenced are not similar to your intended project it is a good idea to find someone else without wasting more of your time. Swiezadomenapodszkolenie15stycznia You are about to spend a good bit of money on your project and you don’t want to finance someone’s learning curve. Immovablerealtygroup



  • Building Believable Economic and Political Systems

    One of the first things to keep in mind is that an economic system is not a money system. A money system is part of the economic system, but economy is so much more. Funkoars

     An economy is about how the resources of a world are exploited and how the wealth created by that exploitation is spread around. Closely related to the economic system is the political system because that describes how the people that deal with all this wealth and activity are organized, and the two are always closely tied together. Martinhillphotography

    As human history has shown there are many, many ways to organize both economic systems and governments. What is important to your believability is internal consistency. For example: suppose you have taken time to describe a Stone Age family living in a grass hut by the beach as part of a Stone Age village. Michaelkrasuski

    Momma hears a ring tone, whips out a cell phone, listens, and says, “Papa, it’s the Joneses. They have half a dozen lobsters to trade.”  “Tell them we’ll give them two pearls, and not a coconut more.” grunts Dad while he is mending nets with the other men who are at the hut. Spartan-securityservices What we have here is a mix of technologies, and that mix implies a difference in economies. The cell phone is not coming from the Stone Age, barter-based economy you have been setting up. Riseupmarketing

    It can be if your story includes elements of culture differences as part of its theme, or perhaps a touch of humor. Sahibbiwiaurgangster

     This could be part of a story about the lives of villagers next to a new alien city that has sprung up recently or something ale The Flintstones. But if this is a dramatic fantasy story about Vikings, sirens and maidens, this scene is going to be tough sledding. Yasa-rosegarden

    The lesson here is: Have the economy support the story. Decide what the story is about, and then weave an economic setting around that premise. The story can be about the economy, or the impact of a new technology, that’s fine, but take the time to figure out the implications of the economy or technology. Westmultconserv “This means war. I want you to attack The Baron’s castle at…” checks his wrist hour glass, “Five o’clock this afternoon.” Newbernpilates

    This general is going to mobilize how many men? Have them march how far? In how long? This is a scale problem. In an effort to rush the story along, this writer has de facto shrunk the army to about twenty men, made General Mayhem a sergeant, put the Baron’s castle about five miles away, and made it about the size of a McDonald’s. Potenziattiva

  • How to Improve the US Economy.

    The United States has been in a recession since December, 2007, as defined by the National Bureau of Economic Research, a private, nonprofit research organization. But the American people, and the Obama administration along with the democrat majority congress, seem to be at odds on how to fix the US economy. Businesstop

    A robust US economy means companies expand which results in job creation. Currently, the American people are not spending because many are not working, and those who are working are spending less, most likely due to the possibility of losing their job. Business buys  Current unemployment rate stands at 10.2% as of October, 2009. A decrease in spending by the American people results in a decrease in company profits, company non expansion, and more layoffs. Reporting on a survey by Watson Wyatt, a consulting firm, the reported in November of 2008 that one-fourth of U.S. employers plan to have staff reductions during the following calendar year. We are now seeing this come to fruition for 2009. Fauxmoi

    Improvement being defined as two consecutive quarters where we do not have negative growth in the GDP (gross domestic product). The following is what we call the Steps to Economic Improvement. These are steps for consideration which hopefully result in a healthy bipartisan discussion between our elected congressman and their constituency. These steps may result in non-recessionary growth of the US economy. Wdroyo

    You may or may not agree with these steps, but at a bare minimum, these are points to consider, and ideally result in a healthy discussion with our elected congressmen, which at last check, is one of the unchanged notions of a free democratic society. The first step is to realize that it is business and not government that creates jobs and wealth within the American society. Jiniphee This is where we believe is the heart of the problem. It is evident that the Obama administration believes it is government that will lead Americans to economic prosperity. This is why the federal government has put forth a $780 billion stimulus package. So where is this money really going. Let’s take a look at the breakdown. Pateron

  • Current Affairs Book Review

    America’s economic Crash of 2008 was directed almost universally at Wall Street. In his September release, entitled, Aftershock: The Next Economy And America’s Future, Robert B. Reich argues differently. He believes the real problem is structural: There’s an increasing concentration of wealth at the top, while middle class Americans struggle to maintain a decent standard of living. Top88 Reich served in three national administrations, most recently as Secretary of Labor under President Clinton. He’s written numerous books, and is a university professor of public policy.

    Three stages of modern American capitalism substantiate Reich’s message. The first stage (1870-1929) was one of increasing concentration of income and wealth. Stage two (1947-1975), featured more broadly shared prosperity; and stage three (1980-2010) is one of increasing wealth concentration. Reich says it’s vital for our future to begin a fourth stage where broad-based prosperity reigns

    Reich profiles Mariner Ecclesia, a business tycoon during the Great Depression. Largely forgotten today, Reich believes Eccle’s analysis of the underlying economic stresses of the Great Depression are relevant to the Crash of 2008. His assumption of a quick national recovery proved wrong, as we know today. President Roosevelt summoned him to Washington DC to share his financial acumen which was based on logic and experience.

    Eccles chaired the Federal Reserve Board from 1934 to 1948 (the Eccles Building on Constitution Avenue in Washington DC is his memoriam). History repeats itself today, as there’s a vast accumulation of income among the nation’s wealthiest people. The result is everyone else experiences reduced purchasing power.

  • Recession – Past, Present, and Politics

    Though the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) has yet to classify the current economic slump as a “recession,” most commentators would agree that the economy is heading in that direction. Martin Feldstein, Professor of Economics at Harvard University, recently noted that, “we have been sliding into recession [and]…I think it could go on longer than the last two recessions (which) lasted eight months peak to trough. Donatetonhs

    With a presidential election knocking on our door, coupled with Professor Feldstein’s grim outlook for America’s economy, it is important to analyze our recent economic and political history, specifically with regards to recession, in order to match any correlations from the past with the present. Such an analysis may offer clues as to whether or not we are currently in an economic recession and provide direction for our current and future political. Koshokempo

    This article does not intend to be a comprehensive exploration of America’s economic and political history; such an analysis is beyond its scope. It does intend however to make certain connections between the U.S. economic recessions of past 30 years and draw some conclusions about where America’s economy and politics may be heading. Officially there have been four U.S. recessions in the last 30 years – each with distinct economic and political ramifications. Ekoakcija This article details give a brief overview of the recession of the early 1980s. Three subsequent articles will provide the same level of respective analysis for the recessions in the late 1980s, the 1990s and at the beginning of the 21st century, with a fifth and final article detailing any correlations with the current economic recession. Before going further, it is important to provide a working definition of “recession.” Recession has been commonly defined as a decline in a country’s GDP coupled with negative economic growth for two or more successive quarters. Sthughsbanbury

     This definition is tenuous however, as it causes numerous theoretical problems, not least of which is the problem of identifying when a recession begins and when it ends; if a recession begins in the third month of the second quarter, does that mean the entire quarter is in a recessed mode. Bikinijam

     A less troublesome way of thinking about recession is presented by LakshmanAchuthan and Anirvan Banerjee of the Economic Cycle Research Institute. Jaxdivorcelaw

     They state, “A recession is a self reinforcing downturn in economic activity, when a drop in spending leads to cutbacks in production and then jobs, triggering a loss of income that spreads across the country from industry to industry, hurting sales and in turn feeding back into a further drop in production – in effect, a vicious cycle.” This is the definition of recession used here. Techifuture