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  • Seven Secrets to Choosing a Safe

    Do you choose canned food or dry food? What brand? There are so many different brands, all shapes and sizes of pet food to choose from and pet owners are provided with very little information to base your decisions on (other than advertising).

    It can get so confusing! Well, buckle your seatbelt depending on how much you know of the pet food industry, this could be a bumpy ride! You are about to learn seven secrets – well kept secrets – of pet food. Sit back, brace yourself, and keep reading.

    Baneful says it’s ‘Premium Dog Food for a Happy, Healthy Dog’ and sells for around $18.00 for a 31 lb. bag, Science Diet “promises” ‘precisely balanced nutrition through continuous research and the highest quality food backed by your Vets endorsement’ and sells for around $21.00 for only a 20 lb. bag. Then there are numerous pet foods that make the very same statements – ‘Premium Dog Food, Highest Quality’ – that sell for $30.00 or more for a 20 lb bag. And the same holds true for cat owners…Do you choose Whiskas that states ‘Everything we do is about making cats happy!’ or do you choose one of those high end cat foods that make the very same claim of a happy, healthy cat but cost 3 times as much. Medimeld

    Now with the on-going pet food recalls pet owners have questions such as ‘Has this food been recalled?’ or ‘Is this food the next one to be recalled?

    ‘…’is my pet safe?’ Wow this is confusing! And scary too! What exactly is a pet owner to do? How about learning a few secrets! Equipped with the knowledge of a few secrets of pet food, it’s not nearly as confusing.

    All pet foods use descriptive words like choice and premium, though few of them actually use premium or choice ingredients in their food.

     The ‘secret’ is that per the rules of the pet food industry, no pet food can make any claims or references on their label or advertising as to the quality or grade of ingredients.

     You see, the word ‘premium’ when it’s related to pet food DOES NOT mean that the ingredients in the food are premium. With pet foods, premium does not (cannot) describe the food nor does it (can it) describe the quality of the food. It is a marketing term and that is all. Per the pet food industries own rules and regulations, “There are no references to ingredient quality or grade” (regulation PF5 d 3).So, words like premium, or choice, or quality are just marketing or sales terms. They should not be interpreted as terms describing the quality of the food. Almasdar24

  • Comfort Food Addiction and Stress Link

    Comfort food addiction is described with these characteristics. Food products that have a high level of sugar, fat and salt and other chemicals that have been process together to enhances and amplify flavors will above normal food levels. Stanciasalsa Do to the abnormally high levels of sugar, fat and salt and other chemicals the body changes its chemistry to adapt to the affects of digesting these foods which has the affect of physically changing person’s chemistry. Newmoonreading Once the body’s chemistry has changed which affects emotional and mental association to eating comfort food and relaxation through repeated eating comfort food for through reinforcement of behavior with comfort food the mind learns to relax before it even starts to eat your comfort food and that experience. Nejmealmaghrib

    The way comfort food affects relaxation is by reducing energy within the body, that is created by the affect of changing ones chemistry and the mind identify chemical change as relaxation. Any addiction is mind or mental state, body stress in shoulders and tension in body and spirit energy force between the mind and body which is being supported by their breathing pattern that support addiction. Itsoftwaredeals It is the interaction of all three that has to be address to change person’s compulsive behavior. The power of personal spirit to affect their emotional, physical and enjoyment reality has to be developed and incorporated otherwise you fight your addiction but do not change your addiction. Sblisting

    The ability to enhance one’s personal spirit force is directly connected to the power of core/breathing for in order to do it at the highest level the whole torso is engaged in each breath and the mind is conscious (conscious is not thinking. But feeling action which lets you think with sense of feeling the body). Asianaussiebusinesstimes Over time the mind and body will adjust its sense of taste to deal with comfort foods over active taste which has the affect of numbing the tong and mouth to point that a person will find it hard to taste anything else other than process foods. Gogagah

    Because of altered taste a person will continually pick process foods over other foods because it’s the only time they can taste their food. Other foods that have not been process will seem tasteless thereby not enjoyable to eat. It takes time to recover taste once person stop eating comfort food. There is mindless eating to consuming comfort food for taste is not the issue but creating a chemical induce emotional relaxed state is. The food is consumed as a person is thinking. Franchising Philippines

    Then there are the times being with other people at parties and consuming comfort foods, with its high taste of salt, sugar and fat. One of the biggest times to eat comfort food is during entertainment like watching T.V. The minds focus is not on the eating of food but in conjunction of doing other things emotionally. Beautypreneurph

    Comfort foods become relaxing cluing to escape into entertainment while person is mindlessly eating to create a relax mind state. Dmv

  • A Case for Whole Food Supplements

    The Standard American Diet (SAD) is lacking in many vital nutritional components. Fotoknigi74

    Being largely composed of prepackaged, convenience foods with few naturally grown food products; this diet has contributed to an epidemic of not only obesity but also extreme nutritional deficiency. America can be found in Whole Food Supplements which are vitamin, mineral and phytonutrient rich products made from actual food concentrates. Dgem

    In the first part of the 1900’s most Americans ate a healthy, whole food diet because they had no choice. All food was grown either by the family or obtained from immediately local sources. America in the 1900’s was a largely agrarian society with most people living in rural areas and able to grow their own food. Vitaliteitengezondheid During the last century, a massive migration to urban areas has occurred. This has meant that even if one has the desire, most people no longer have the ability to produce self grown food. Either because there is no land. Woodwork-voorschoten Because many do not know how very few people have a garden and even fewer produce protein in the form of dairy products and animal husbandry. Kamilpasha

    In spite of this developing migration, during World War II, families were encouraged to have a “victory garden”. Bigtechblogs This was not to ensure that Americans had a great diet but actually to ensure that American families could feed themselves at all, while allowing most of commercial food production to be sent to the troops overseas. Registers

    That was the last period in history that America got most of their nutrition from locally grown food. Beginning around the 1950’s, Americans did begin to recognize the value of vitamins and minerals within their diet. Lighthc This was discovered because more and more pre-prepared, highly processed food products became available and nutritional deficiencies began to emerge. Binomo After the end of World War II, many families became two-income families. In addition, many more single parents are now raising children by themselves. Binomo1

    This means that in most homes, all of the adults present in any one household are likely employed outside of the home full-time leaving little time for food preparation alone much less any time for food production. Registers

     America has become a convenience food nation consuming much of the diet from unnatural food sources. Prepackaged and easy to prepare food products are just that, food “products”. Though they may contain carbohydrates, proteins, fats and some “essential” nutrients, they are not real food. Sikkim-game The entire food supply chain is rife with contamination and chemical processing and many Americans are unaware of how little nutritional value the food that they consume every day contains. So much publicity and education has focused on the so called food pyramid. The governmental and educational agencies that have devised the perfect American diet have never truly addressed the lack of nutrients, other than the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) of basic vitamins and minerals. Sztosowe

  • Secrets to an Amazing Role-Playing Game

    Role-playing games are a very specialist type of game that really needs a far greater attention to detail than other less immersive genres. As the computerized version of the genre took off there were a lot of money hungry companies who decided to storm into the genre without really trying to understand what the vital elements of a role-playing game are. In some cases, these companies have actually had the audacity to buy out smaller companies who did know the genre and they destroyed. Considering that this may have an impact on the future of computerized role-playing games. I have felt it to be of importance to educate these gaming giants in an effort to help them understand the only thing that matters to them. In order to sell role-playing games you need an audience willing to buy the product. And if a company consistently puts out dodgy shooters in the guise of apparent role-playing games they’ll only destroy their reputation and go bankrupt. I know that the word bankrupt is a word that these money hungry companies recognize. And so I emphasize one point, try to sell dodgy shooters to role-playing fans and you will go bankrupt. bomd

     Personally, I have been a role-playing gamer for about thirty years and I fell in love with only two systems that I probably can’t name because of article writing guidelines. What I can say is that very few game producing companies have come even close to the pen and paper versions of the best role-playing games on the market, you know, the ones that people actually enjoy playing. I will say that I rejoiced when role-playing games became computerized as it meant I could do my role-playing without the need to hunt for people with similar tastes and even though some games have risen to become great role-playing games.

     They are sadly few and far between. On that note, of the styles of role-playing games that include pen and paper, computerized games and online games, there is only one type that can meet the fully immersive needs of a role-player and I’ll reveal why later. Okay, what are the elements of a great role-playing game then? I’ll give you one at a time but the very most important piece of advice to keep in mind during this whole discussion is immersion. The player must be kept in the fictional world if they are to feel that they have experienced a great role-playing game. Role-playing games are a very specialist type of game that really needs a far greater attention to detail than other less immersive genres. As the computerized version of the genre took off there were a lot of money hungry companies who decided to storm into the genre without really trying to understand what the vital elements of a role-playing game are. In some cases, these companies have actually had the audacity to buy out smaller companies who did know the genre and they destroyed long-held legacies of great traditional.

  • Daily Exercise Workout, How to Maximize It

    By the way, you aren’t alone in this. There are lots of them like you who find it hard to exercise regularly. Well, what I’m suggesting here is that if you can’t seem to stay put in your current workouts with the regular routine either because you don’t see results; push yourself too hard; get complacent after you’ve achieved your goals or you’re simply impatient, then hitting it daily might solve your woes. Bbbs-nw

    It actually boils down to the fact that this habit of a regular routine you try to install is not conditioned deep enough to cause you to switch your behavior to be on “autopilot” mood. You need stronger reinforcement. Wellpoint-pump

    What if you exercise daily? Well, your mind would have patterned this behavior and because you do it every day, you repeatedly condition this pattern until you become fully automatic. In this way, you find it easier to stick to the exercise habit. Aktuellswiss

    So, if you find it tough to form the habit of doing regular exercise, why not try exercising daily instead? It could work for you – you could actually stick to this daily exercise habit.

    One thing is that if you opt for daily workout routine, you only need to do a 30-minute session of exercise (instead of the 60-minute session if you were to work out regularly per week), to meet the exercise threshold of say 3 – 3.5 hours per week. Vitalmag

     I want to say that if you seldom exercise or haven’t been exercising at all, switching to a daily routine could be tough for you in the beginning. The best way is doing try to do everything at once and to switch over to it gradually. Daily exercise not only leads to a longer life, but it also significantly enriches your quality of life both now and in the future. Your resting heart rate lowers, decreasing your risk of heart disease and stroke. Griechische-foods

    Your bones strengthen, which helps to ward off potential osteoporosis down the road. You gain muscle and lose fat, which makes you less apt to succumb to dangerous falls when you’re older. And your energy increases, leading to a happier attitude, better sleep and higher cognitive abilities. Tradeizze

    Even a moderate amount of exercise can add years to your life and it’s never too late to start. Studies1 show that even if you wait until middle age to begin a fitness plan, every minute of exercise you add into your daily routine adds life expectancy. Tradecarhub

  • How to Be Healthy by Daily Exercise

    Every second person in the society is facing any health problem. People of all age groups either male or female complain that they get easily fatigued or they get irritated by little things. Sto-service These problems and many other problems like this have become common in our society. With advancement in technology our life has become so busy that we forget taking care of even ourselves. The result of this comes out in the form of health problems along with low tolerance level. Owenyork Nature is simply beauty and we human beings are the best creation of nature. That is why we feel highly relaxed when spend time in observing nature as we are greatly amused by natural beauty. Moc

    Starting your day by doing exercise in a healthy environment helps you a lot in getting mind peace and body fitness. Daily doing exercise in morning, because positive effects on your health in following ways. Toneupfortuneups

    Doing daily exercise in morning makes you refresh as along with exercise you enjoy blow of cool wind and birds chirping. The whole environment is quiet and pure. There is no noise of traffic or any other thing. It seems to you that all your surrounding things like flowers, plants are accompanying you. Martinamayacallen This whole environment makes you fresh, active and release nerve pressure. Hence maintains and regulates our blood pressure. Psychiatrists have a point of view that we are surrounded by positive and negative charges. shoxturbo14

     In healthy environment large number of positive charges surrounds us and as a result our abilities and talents get polished. Daily morning exercise is the best way to gather maximum positive charges which can help us whole day to handle problematic matters. Griffininvestigation

    When we do exercise our muscles movements has increased. Muscles need energy in order to perform his function. This energy is obtained by food. Gplusdata

     In morning we have not taken breakfast hence our body has to utilize stored fats in order to fulfill energy demand. In short daily exercise helps in burning of fats. Exercise helps to maintain blood pressure and blood cholesterol levels. Doing daily exercise reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Freshoutmedia

    Moreover in diabetic patients regular exercise helps a lot in maintaining glucose levels in body. Well, what I’m suggesting here is that if you can’t seem to stay put in your current workouts with the regular routine either because you don’t see results; push yourself too hard; get complacent after you’ve achieved your goals or you’re simply impatient, then hitting it daily might solve your woes. Optimusise

  • Online Games Get Great Excitement

    If you are doing a job which involves eight hours of work, you require some relaxation at the end of the day. You may be delighted to know that there are free online games which can actually work as a stress buster. Onelastshag Games offer lot of fun, specially the multi-player ones. With these games, you can compete with other people. So just connect to the internet and start playing against other players. Thecelebritylifestyle

    The online world is known for providing news and entertainment. But now a days, internet is known for offering games that are easy to access and offer entertainment and excitement. We might get several ways to make use of our leisure time but our favorite time pass will always be playing online games. Futurelifenetwork

     Browse the internet carefully to find the best electronic games. The popularity of online gaming is increasing day by day. You can get various popular games free of cost on the internet. Aromatherapyhomespa There are basically two kinds of games: some are based on Java platforms and some are based on flash platforms. Games have become an addictive form of activity as they provide endless entertainment. Online gaming gives you an exciting gaming experience with easy to operate games. Katespadestar

    Before playing these games, you need to download the correct plug-in for your browser for supporting the graphics. You should have a fast internet connection as games take much time to load in a slow net connection. You can find both single player games and multi-player games. There are ‘Text Based Games’ which are simpler than Java Games and these can be played in chat rooms as well. Vincentjameshomes

    Online Multi-player Games are also popular as they allow you to play against multiple players. Game developers are coming up with new games with new technologies in a bid to make them more exciting than ever. Activemyhouse

    Internet has introduced to a variety of new generation games. These games are convenient to download and are easy to play. They have become a medium of entertainment and they help us kill boredom. These thrilling and exciting games keep the players engrossed and make them demand for more excitement. Unixtrades Online Games come in diverse categories like puzzle, racing, action, adventure and sports. Most of these games are played with Flash or Shockwave. These games cater to everyone no matter he is a male, female, kid or adult. Bestartdeals

    Find numerous games based on TV shows or movies. These games are stress busters and help you to relax and relieve stress. Get fun, entertainment and amusement free of cost. The types of games available these days include: Gimba

  • Making a Great Video Game

    When making a great game there are a number of factors that need to be considered if your game is to survive in a market full of great game designs. Below are listed a few of the more important factors that need to be considered when designing a great game. Astarte

    It is a common misconception that the best games are based on the best graphics. While having great graphics, this factor alone will not make a great game when other factors are not up to standards that match the graphics. kyiv365  However, having said this, it is fair to say that when combined with other equally important game design factors, great graphics can certainly give a game an advantage over other games with lower quality graphics. Binomo

    A few examples of this are the graphics rich worlds of such games as Halo, Mist, Tomb Raider, Final Fantasy, Star Wars, and this is just a few of many games that might be considered to have great graphics. Karisasuksesabadi So it is safe to assume that one factor that is vital towards a good game, but that needs to be combined with other equally important factors, id for the game to have great graphics. This factor is also a very important game design factor as it covers the point of playing the game, the goal. Yellowtube

     That is to be achieved and the possible interactions between elements of the game such as objects or Non Playable Characters. While a game must have a decent gameplay and storyline, again this fact will not make a great game by itself. Yifarope When mixed with great graphics however, these two factors will give a game an edge above the competition. Hotbuzzs

     Gameplay can be either a simple process or a very complex process and still make a great game, as we can see when we compare the game ‘Tetris’ to the game “Final Fantasy”. Both games were smash hits that have so far remained in many peoples list of great games. Realmovienews Gameplay in itself has many facets that contribute towards the entire Gameplay factor, that we will not explore here, but to name a few, a game designer would consider such things as, Storyline, alternative choices, natural physics, player interaction, etc. etc. So again, we can see that this factor alone will not necessarily make a great game but will definitely contribute towards a great game when combined with other important game design factors.

    The Game Sound factor in game design is pretty much on par with Game Graphics. The quality of sound in a game can help determine a good game or not. Examples of this can be found in some of the earliest classics, when we think about games like Zelda or the ancient Atari game called Forger. Confidentchildren Many of us can think of an old game that we can still clearly remember the game music to, granted some were annoying, but most were catchy and addictive. Then coming forward in game history we get to games that rely heavily on the game sound experience, such as games like Silent Hill or F.E.A.R. These games would not be nearly as good as they currently are if they had lesser quality sound. And so again we see another important factor that needs to be added to a game to make it a great game. Edailyworkout

  • The First Video Game Ever Made.

    As an avid retro-gamer, for quite a long time I’ve been particularly interested in the history of video games. To be more specific, a subject that I am very passionate about is “Which was the first video game ever made?”… So, I started an exhaustive investigation on this subject (and making these articles the first one in a series of articles that will cover in detail all video gaming history). The answer: Well, as a lot of things in life, there is no easy answer to that question. It depends on your own definition of the term “video game”. For example: When you talk about “the first video game”, do you mean the first video game that was commercially-made, or the first console game, or maybe the first digitally programmed game. Thebudgetart

    Because of this, I made a list of 4-5 video games that in one way or another were the beginners of the video gaming industry. You will notice that the first video games were not created with the idea of getting any profit from them (back in those decades there was no Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft, Sega, Atari, or any other video game company around).

     In fact, the sole idea of a “video game” or an electronic device which was only made for “playing games and having fun” was above the imagination of over 99% of the population back in those days. But thanks to this small group of geniuses who walked the first steps into the video gaming revolution, we are able to enjoy many hours of fun and entertainment today (keeping aside the creation of millions of jobs during the past 4 or 5 decades). Without further ado, here I present the “first video game nominees”

    This is considered (with official documentation) as the first electronic game device ever made. It was created by Thomas T. Goldsmith Jr. and Istle Ray Mann. The game was assembled in the 1940s and submitted for an US Patent in January 1947. The patent was granted December 1948, which also makes it the first electronic game device to ever receive a patent (US Patent 2,455,992). As described in the patent, it was an analog circuit device with an array of knobs used to move a dot that appeared in the cathode ray tube display. The target and any other graphics were showed on screen overlays manually placed on the display screen. It’s been said by many that Atari’s famous video game “Missile Command” was created after this gaming device. Globalist

    It is a common misconception that the best games are based on the best graphics. While having great graphics, this factor alone will not make a great game when other factors are not up to standards that match the graphics. However, having said this, it is fair to say that when combined with other equally important game design factors, great graphics can certainly give a game an advantage over other games with lower quality graphics. A few examples of this are the graphics rich worlds of such games as Halo, Mist, Tomb Raider, Final Fantasy, Star Wars, and this is just a few of many games that might be considered to have great graphics.

  • How to Pick Video Games Both Parents

    To hear parents tell it, the perfect video game is educational, provides small life lessons, strengthens hand eye coordination, and keeps the kids entertained for roughly 30 minutes at a time. Businessorbit Business orbit however, it appears that educational qualities rank far below the needs for speed, action, rad moves, and great weapons. It is hard to believe that there are games which fulfill the requirements hoped for by both parents and kids. Kobietabezgranic

     Parents should always make the time to play the games alongside their kids; the only problem with using this approach to picking video games is the fact that the game is already in the house and the money spent. Kobietamody

    Opened games are rarely returnable and once they are in the house and their hot little hands, kids will not let go of games without a lot of arguing, complaining, and upset. So how does a parent go about picking out a video game for the children to play? Reading the back of the cover is unlikely to present a lot of information whereas the buzz on the Internet can be so forbiddingly filled with insider lingo that it is hard to discern. Poukladana If the game is appropriate, too violent, or perhaps even contains content that is objectionable. At the same time, simply because a game is very popular and the evening news shows long lines of consumers waiting outside the stores for them to go on sale, does not mean that it offers the kind of game play the parent wants to invite into the home. Gandivlive

     Fortunately, there are five simple steps to picking video games both parents and their kids will love. Games designated with an “EC” are educational and fun for preschoolers and young grade-schoolers. Mloads An “E” notes that the games are appropriate for all players, and while preschoolers might have more of a learning curve to get the game-play right, there is no objectionable content. Look out for games rated with an “E 10+” since these games are reserved for kids older than 10. Derustica

     A game rated “T” is reserved for teens, and parents should know that violence, sexual innuendo, partial nudity, and also curse words are par for the course. “M” for mature indicates games for those over the age of 17 and the blood, guts, gore, and sex are legendary in these games. Hs-lawgroup Upping the ante are games marked “AO” or adults only, as they are “M” squared. An “RP” rating simply means that a rating is pending, and parents should hold off on buying the game until the rating has been apportioned. Thebigfishlittlefish

    Since preschoolers and grade-schoolers cannot simply be pigeonholed into age brackets, but should be much further differentiated by their maturity levels, parents will be wise to read the ESRB content descriptions on the backs of the video game packets. They list potentially objectionable content. Pandawa24jam